Wednesday, September 28, 2005


I wish I could sleep better at night. I'm not sure if its my mattress or my pillows, but I've been really tired lately. Getting very annoyed with it too. I've thought about taking some Tylenol PM before bed, but that always makes me sleep until noon. I go to see my doctor next week, so I'll have to bring it up then.

Its supposed to rain just about all day today, and by this evening its supposed to be into the 50's. Ahhh, autumn!! There are even places to the west/northwest that could get into the 30's. Now that is starting to get slightly chilled!!

Today I'm trying out the Tyson slow cooker meals. Got the chicken & dumplings one going now, should be ready around 6-7. I hope it turns out well!! I'll have to go pick up a couple of the other ones if this one is good. I think they have beef stew and stuff like that. Going to be making some soup this next week too. Home-made chicken noodle and some recipe that Courtney found that is for "cheeseburger" soup. Doesnt sound half bad. But we'll see.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005


Well the .22 rifle I wanted to buy is gone, apparently. Oh well, at least I still have my dads. He hasnt shot it in years, so he wont be needin' it back anytime soon. I'll just have to put some money down on the 270 soon then!! :oP

Anyways......just wanted to get that off my chest.

No word from the ex landlord, and now my brother cant pay me for another week or two...

SAME SHIT, DIFFERENT DAY!!! My life will never change....

I hate being broke all the time...

Just sitting here figuring out bills, and after paying everything, I'll have $99. OH boy!! But my brother owes me $200, and HOPEFULLY he pays me within the next two weeks. I really want to go get my rifles!! And I want to go get some bullets for them so I can go SHOOT them before deer hunting gets here. I also need to find somewhere to go plunk around with my 22. Need some pigeons or squirrels to go shoot at. I also should call my ex landlord to see if I get my security deposit back any time soon.

I think I'm done fishing for the year, unfortunately with the damn price of gas, I couldnt afford to go out to much. Hopefully next year is better. But when I did get out, I got alot of bluegill!! Need to go somewhere I can get some big largemouth bass!! Hopefully in 2007 I'll have enough money to buy a pontoon boat!! Then I can go fish virtually ANYWHERE!! HAHA!!

This weekend, I want to go drive and take my camera along to take some pictures of all the leaves turning colors. Might drive all the way up near Eagle River, but that depends on if I can afford to put that much gas in.

Monday, September 26, 2005

Another Monday morning...

The Packers lost, again. But at least they are playing better with each game. Maybe their Monday night game against the Panthers will be our first win. I can only hope!!! They'll get it in gear one of these weeks. Tampa is a pretty good team though, and I think its pretty decent that we only held them to 17 points and we only lost by 1 point.

No big plans today, just taking it easy. With all the wet weather this weekend, my back is really sore. Some days I hate having these rods in my back...

Sunday, September 25, 2005

What a day...

Woke up to thunderstorms this morning. I was excited!! Hopefully the WHOLE day is like this. The Packer game starts in about a half hour too. Playing Tampa Bay today, hopefully they can play better than they have the last few weeks.

I'm really excited that fall is here too!! I'm not looking forward to winter, but hopefully we get a TON of snow this year. We havent really had any good winters in the last few years. I remember when I was a kid, we'd get snow drifts that were 7+ feet!! We could dig tunnels in them and my brothers could actually stand up in them.

So I guess thats about it for today. Not much else to talk about yet. If the Packers can actually manage a win, I'll try to post again later :o)

Friday, September 23, 2005


Man was it chilly last night!!! But I loved it. Next week its supposed to be a HIGH of 54!! Not looking forward to winter, but I'm going to enjoy autumn!!

Not a whole lot going on today, so this is going to be a small blog. I'm actually quite bored. I might have to dig out some movies to watch, or find a video game to play. Lately I've really been getting into Forza Motorsport. Its a pretty fun racing game.

I guess thats about it...unless something spectacular happens later today LOL

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Ok, now what do I do??

Ok, so I started a blog. Weird how these things have become so popular. But might as well go with the flow.

I read some blogs of my friends, and thought I'd make one of my own. Hopefully I can stick with it and at least post something once a week, maybe more if I'm getting into it.

I've been tired alot lately, and had alot of running around to do yesterday. So today I'm TIRED, ACHY and just plain worn out. One of the things I had to do yesterday was go to the vet and get deworming stuff for all four cats. Zoey actually seemed to like the stuff, but Bug, Tigger and Sassy were a chore!! Bug and Tigger we just had to hold down until they swallowed it, but Sassy is so skittish around anyone but me, Courtney had to trap her in the other room and be the "bad guy" with the medicine. I think Sassy is over it now though, she let Courtney pet her this morning LOL.

Today, I woke up to the kitten (Zoey) knocking stuff off the dresser. Thought she broke something, but she didnt, just sounded like it. I couldnt fall back asleep, even though I was extremely tired. I was having a bad nightmare anyways, so its best that I didnt go back to sleep. I've been going to bed late ALOT in the last few weeks, so hopefully I get to bed early tonight and can actually get a good night of rest.

Courtney and I had breakfast, and watched TV while she got ready for work. She hasnt been sleeping well lately either, I think we need to get her another bed soon. Hopefully we can do that in January or February.

I'm really glad I moved back into the house with Courtney though, its better than living in the apartment taking care of rent and bills all by myself. I also love the fact that Bug and Tigger love having me back too!! Sassy moved to the apartment with me, and I just got Zoey about 2 months ago. Zoey is quite a trip. Cute as hell, but MAN does she have a naughty streak!! Cant wait until December to get her spayed and declawed in the front...that will keep her settled down for at least a few days!!

So today is the first day of fall, officially. I'm pretty excited about that, since I'm not a big fan of really warm weather. I prefer spring and fall. I HATE winter though. My favorite holiday is coming up, Thanksgiving, and that also means that deer hunting season is close at hand too!! I'll finally get to use my rifle!! Unless I get a 270 before then. Seen one at the pawn shop I'm hoping to get. And they have a 22 Magnum rifle there I want. That should be a fun "plunking" gun. I think Courtney will even go out and shoot that with me!! I think I'll have to consider going turkey hunting too, get some use out of my shotgun too. At least I'll eat turkey, I have no urge to hunt for ducks, geese or pheasants...cuz I dont like eating them. But turkey.....Mmmmm. haha.

Well, I guess that is about all for today. I'll try to post as much as I can, so check back often LOL

Later kids!!